§ 4. Area and bulk regulations; minimum yard and setback requirements; height requirements; landscaping and screening; preservation of natural features.  

Latest version.
  • 4.1 Area and bulk regulations, minimum yard and setback requirements, and height regulations shall be as provided by the underlying district, except that the following provisions and limitations shall apply to any development or portion thereof within the district which shall be visible from a designated HC street.

    4.2 Regulations of article 7, landscaping, screening and open space regulations, shall apply within any HC overlay district except that:


    In addition to the provisions of article 7, the board of architectural review may require specific landscaping measures in issuance of a certificate of appropriateness, as the same may be related to ensuring that the proposed development is consistent with any design guidelines adopted by the town council for the specific HC street. Existing landscaping, tree cover and other significant natural features shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible.


    No grading or other earth disturbing activity (including trenching or tunneling), except as necessary for the construction of tree wells or tree walls, shall occur within the drip line of any trees or wooded areas nor intrude upon any other existing features designated in the certificate of design approval for preservation.


    Areas designated on approved plans for preservation of existing features shall be clearly and visibly delineated on the site prior to commencement of any grading or other earth-disturbing activity (including trenching or tunneling) and no such disturbing activity or grading or movement of heavy equipment shall occur within such area. The visible delineation of all such existing features shall be maintained until the completion of development of the site. In addition, an applicant for development subject to the provisions of this article, shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the zoning administrator to further ensure that the specified existing features will be protected during development. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular case, such checklist shall conform to specifications contained in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, pp III-284 through III-297.

    (Ord. No. 05-09-02, § I, 9-13-2005)

(Ord. No. 05-09-02, § I, 9-13-2005)